What Types of Outings Can Have Hole In One Contests?
Our tournament consultants routinely receive inquiries regarding the feasibility of hosting a hole in one contest. Potential clients look at the cost of hole in one insurance (typically between $2-10 per player) and wonder whether they can fit the expense into their event budget. While there is no denying the excitement a golf contest brings to an outing, it is important to remember that roughly 75-90% of all the hole in one prizes we cover at Foresite Sports are "sponsored", meaning that a local business associated with the event has elected to cover the cost of running the hole in one contest.
You may ask yourself, "Who will sponsor my contest?" The answer is simple: anyone and everyone. Local businesses of all shapes and sizes routinely look to sponsor local golf tournaments because of the added advertising exposure that such a sponsorship brings. For example, with each contest insurance coverage we provide, our client receives contest signage indicating to the golfers what they can win. There is ample room on each sign for a sponsor's name and/or logo too. Being a part of an exciting event like a hole in one contest grabs attention like little else, and thus provides an excellent marketing opportunity for sponsors.
Interestingly, automobile dealers are the most frequent sponsors of hole in one contests. Many dealerships choose to bring the prize car out to the golf course and place it on the par 3 hole that is holding the contest. It generates a lot of buzz that brings a lot of attention to the sponsoring dealer. We recommend that you approach your local car dealers about sponsoring a hole in one contest at your upcoming event. However, keep in mind that you're not the only tournament director soliciting these businesses. Therefore, it is more important than ever to begin the sponsor search process early to ensure the greatest level of success in your efforts.